How Do You Measure Happiness?
Happiness to me isn't what kind of car I drive or any amount of money. It's a feeling. The feeling of complete, inner and outer peace.
That's the feeling I crave for. Because with that kind of peace comes freedom - the freedom to be anything, do anything, and create anything.
We are all creators. That's our specialty as humans. Even if you don't see yourself as particularly creative, just think about all the small things you create in your life daily. Did you make coffee this morning? Pour yourself cereal? Write a text message? Even if you went to Starbucks, did you order yourself your favorite drink with the ingredients just the way you like them? Whether you like it or not, you've created the life you have right now. And you create all the little things that go into it.
We humans have so much potential to create, but most of this potential remains untapped, unused. Because most of us have yet to achieve peace. So we don't feel that it's safe for us to use our talents because it won't "pay the bills." I've heard countless stories of people giving up on a dream for security because they didn't think anything would come from it. But what if they were mistaken? What if the only real way to bring in the level of abundance we want is by using our natural talents?
That's the idea that I'm exploring in my life right now. From a young age I was raised and conditioned to believe that only a certain level of success in my life would make me happy, or a certain dollar amount in my bank account. Money is a useful tool in life. I'm not arguing that. But why do we want money? Digging deeper, what is it that we think the money will bring us? The short answer: freedom.
If we think we need money to give us freedom, and we don't have money, where does that leave us? Stuck. Stuck working a 9 to 5 that we hate. Stuck in a victim mentality. "Woe is me. Why does this always happen to me?" Let's get over this way of thinking and dive deeper.
Money isn't the only thing that will give us freedom.
Peace will give us freedom. Releasing ourselves from the chains of our mind will give us freedom - releasing ourselves from the idea that we need money money money all the time.
If you don't have all the money that you think you need right now, try a different approach to freedom and see how it will change your life. Go within. Let go of that habitual need and desperation for money.
You want to know a secret? When you energetically let go of the need, is when it will come. Its the simple Law of Attraction. When you have fully let go, you will have found peace with it.
Peace is saying "no matter what it looks like or seems like I have, I know I have all the wealth and abundance of the universe and I am calm and grounded in that knowing." Say this out loud a few times if you have to. When you finally believe this, what will it feel like? Live in that feeling for as long as you can. To me, it feels like happiness.
With that happiness you will have all the freedom you need to create anything you want in this life.