My Epiphany: The Real Secret To Getting Everything You Want

I'm a firm believer of the Law of Attraction since my spiritual awakening began.

At first, I became obsessed. I would constantly watch Youtube videos with tips on attracting and manifesting what you want into your life. I would try every method and meditate to let go of my desire.

If I didn't get what I wanted I would assume it was because I was too attached to it.

But what I didn't realize is that...  I was blocked!

I had hit a wall with my manifesting. And it was in two specific areas that I needed to remove blockages.

  1. The first was manifesting wealth and abundance.

  2. The second was career success.

With abundance, every time I wanted to attract physical money/cash into my life, it would come in another form like a gift or a free pass. Or it wouldn't come at all. Sometimes this was because I was too attached to the idea of receiving the money and would feel negative when I didn't get it. BUT, the other 80% of the time, when I wasn't attached to it, the reason I still wasn't manifesting it was because I had a block in that area of my life. Blocks are a result of limiting beliefs. An example of a limiting belief would be if you've always thought you had to work very hard to receive even just a dollar. If that's what you truly believe, then when you try to manifest, say, winning the lottery: It's probably not going to happen. Why? Because deep down you believe you can only make money from working very hard. If you have this belief, you have to find out when it formed and why. Ask yourself if it still applies to you.

Note: The law of attraction is a law of the mind. It's basis is that what you believe in your mind will be true in your physical life.

With career success, the block I had was mostly due to fear. If you really want something, but deep in your mind you're afraid of what will happen when you get it, you will subconsciously sabotage yourself from achieving it. This was and still is very true in my case. Some fears that I had were regarding the people in my life. I thought that if I became successful, then the people in my life would slowly fade away. I love my family and friends and the idea of this makes me deeply sad. So truthfully, I know my procrastination, laziness, and utter protest to the action I know is necessary, is stemming from this fear. I'd rather stay in and be lazy than have to deal with the fear of what could go wrong.

The good news is, I am able to overcome these beliefs! There is a cure.

The Real Secret

The only solution to your blocks is healing! This is the epiphany I had recently.

I was watching a video of renowned Therapist Marisa Peer speaking, and she mentions a story of someone she's treated that had a fear of public speaking. She put this person through regression (a form of hypnotherapy that takes the person through their memories to the root of the problem) and found that their fear dates back to when the person was in elementary school and was bullied after reading aloud in class. Once they determined when and why the fear was formed, the patient realized it doesn't apply to them anymore and was able to let it go. The patient used affirmations and other tools to reverse the belief in their mind and was cured of it! They were then able to conquer the task of public speaking and overcome social anxiety.

The idea is that once you get to the root of your limiting beliefs and figure out when and why they formed in your mind, you can finally heal yourself and your inner child of that belief. It's amazing!

Some of the methods you can use to heal are:

  • Chakra balancing (more to come on this soon)

  • Hypnosis (there are free clips on Youtube)

  • Subliminal audio clips and binaural beats

  • Meditation

  • Reiki

  • Therapy

  • Physical body work (such as yoga)

  • Nature retreats

I'll be writing a whole post on healing soon, so stay tuned for more info.

Taking Inspired Action

Even with the law of attraction (which can bring about miracles and blessings on its own) I still believe that certain goals require guided action. For example, one of my goals was to start this website and write this blog. But websites don't write themselves! That wasn't going to happen until I actually took the time to write and purchase the site. So it's important to listen to the voice thats guiding you on the action steps to take toward your goals. And remember this: If you feel stuck, uninspired or unmotivated, there could be a block! But you have the power to clear it.

A Closing Note On Healing

I truly believe that when someone is mean or cruel they are just acting on the part of them that is still hurting from a past trauma. They never healed from a traumatic experience. The "hurting child" is what I like to call these people. But always remember they are just humans trying to cope with this pain in the only way they know how. Don't judge them for it. Know that their anger is their pain and it has nothing to do with you. Move forward.



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