How To Be In Alignment

If you consciously practice the Law Of Attraction, you probably have heard of the term "alignment" - especially if you subscribe to Abraham Hicks methodology.

"When it feels like there's something missing, it is always alignment, no matter what."

Abraham Hicks

So let's talk about alignment. Well, for starters, what is does it mean? In terms of Law Of Attraction, alignment is when your thoughts, words, and actions all coincide or align. It's a pretty simple concept that can turn complicated when you realize how society can influence your state of alignment.

Lets say, for example, I hate my job. I have constant thoughts about hating my job. When I get up in the morning I groan and tell my roommates how much I don't want to go. BUT, society tells me I need to have a job to pay the bills, so I go anyway. I put on a fake smile and continue on pretending that everything is fine at work. My actions here aren't aligning with my thoughts and my words.

In this example, I'm not in alignment working this job. That misalignment makes me feel uncomfortable at first, but lets say I continue working this job for 10 years. By the end of the decade, my discomfort has turned into a full-fledged rage that has been suppressed inside of me. The rage seeps out in the form of a deep depression. From this misaligned state, it's near to impossible to manifest anything because I am constantly feeling low-vibrational and negative. I'm not being true to my authentic self who doesn't want to work the dead-end job, but wants to be a writer, or a painter, or a dancer (all of the above sounds great actually). My actions aren't aligned with my thoughts and words.

I feel comfortable giving an example like this because I actually lived it. I did work the dead-end jobs, PLURAL. I had this deeply instilled belief that I needed to cover all of my bases and have a certain amount of money saved up, but if you asked me for what, I swear I couldn't tell you. I just strictly followed the rules that were laid before me: go to college, find a decent paying job, work, pay your bills, and save money. I'm still scratching my head about what I was saving up for to be honest. I guess retirement? Anyway. My point is I was SO unhappy and I didn't even have a real reason for why I was putting myself through it. Was it maybe because when I was a kid someone told me thats just how life works? Seems legit. It wasn't until I finally broke the cycle and stopped working jobs I'm not passionate about that I was able to get myself back into alignment.

Getting into alignment starts with realizing where you are misaligned in your life. It could be in the areas of money, work, friendships, relationships, health, etc. Once you see how you are not being true to what you want, you can redirect yourself onto the path of least resistance and start manifesting quicker than you ever have before. That is being in alignment. So if this is what you want but don't know where to start, I have a few suggestions.

  • Write down what you want. Write down what you ACTUALLY want, and not what you think would make you look good to other people. Think about what makes you excited and write a list.

  • Make a vision board. Having a visual around is great reminder to raise your vibrations and stay in alignment. This is a good idea when you're feeling good and not feeling the need or the lack of what you want.

  • Do things that make you feel good. To be in alignment with what you want, you must first raise to the vibration of what you want. This is possible when you do what makes you happy or feel good such as: exercising, laughing, watching a favorite movie, journaling, taking a walk, listening to upbeat music, traveling, getting sunlight, meditating, creating/crafting, singing, taking up a new hobby etc.

  • Think about what you want in a positive light. When you're thinking about what you want, how do you feel? Are you happy and excited that it's coming or do you feel down and heavy because it's not here yet and you're unsure if you'll ever have it? Be aware of how you're feeling and try to keep positive feelings associated with the things you are trying to attract in your life. You will block it if you're thinking negatively about it.

  • Say no to what you don't want. Learning to say no can be tough, but agreeing to do things you don't actually want to do will keep you out of alignment. Your thoughts need to align with your actions. This can be difficult when you have obligations, but in those cases think about the possible benefits of the obligated tasks. Remind yourself of the "why," and if it's worth it to you, proceed.

  • Detach from negative thinking. Stop being so hard on yourself! Detach from the urgency of having everything right now and just breathe. Be grateful for everything you have already. Be grateful you're healthy, fed, and have a roof over your head (if you do). Not everyone has that. Cherish the little things. Be proud of all you have accomplished in life so far. When you're in a negative headspace, make a quick list of at least 10 things you're grateful for.

  • Live in your authenticity. Always be true to yourself. Don't lie for the sake of others or try to make yourself fit in where it seems like you don't. Just be you. Let them laugh at you, let them gossip, let them eat cake, I don't care, but damn it be yourself! It may be hard, but it's so important. When you do this, everything will fall into place.


Thinking Outside The Ego


The Art Of Detachment